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SKU 108739
Partslink # DDD201G01

  • 1 Gallon 
  • Made In USA


Step 1:  Thoroughly mix 2 ounces of 3D Wash N Wax per gallon of clean water in a clean bucket.

Step 2:  Spray off car with a strong blast of water to remove any loose dirt, pollen, leaves and other debris.

Step 3: Starting at the top of the car, dip a clean wash mitt or sponge into your bucket of 3D Wash N Wax then rub the mitt or sponge over the roof.  Immediately rinse off the 3D Wash N Wax and any loosened dirt and debris with strong blast of clean water. Repeat this process to the rest of the car.  After tackling the roof, wash the windshield and all side and back glass.  Next wash the horizontal panels like the hood and trunk lid.  After this wash the vertical panels, fenders, doors, grill, hatch back, tailgate, etc.

Step 4: After washing the car section by section, re-spray the entire car to ensure all 3D Wash N Wax and any loosened dirt and debris are completely rinsed off the car.

Step 5: Remove any standing water using your favorite method of drying a vehicle via microfiber drying towels, synthetic chamois, or blowing dry with forced air.

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